Rendered Communications is a pioneering film and video production company specializing in commercial, reality television, and corporate communication productions. From local to international clients, every brand at Rendered Communications receives the same creative passion and attention to detail! We work directly with our clients, their public relations firms, advertising agencies, and corporate marketing departments to realize projects of all sizes. Our team of award winning talented professionals is dedicated to making every commercial, television episode, live-event, or corporate communication spectacular. Our company’s mission is to ensure your ideas, creativity, and budget is aligned to create a media unmatched in production value.
We have been in the industry since 2000.
Wilmington Dermatology Center Ulthera
Added on 12/28/2011
At Wilmington Dermatology Center we are committed to providing exceptional care for your skin. Our staff is highly skilled, friendly, and up to date on the latest advances in dermatology. Whether you have a medical condition or are seeking to rejuvenate your skin, Dr. Rosalyn George can assist you in providing a treatment plan that is safe and effective. We offer a full range of general, pediatric, surgical, and cosmetic services with treatments tailored to the individual and welcome the opportunity to address any of your new or ongoing concerns. We are experienced in treating patients of all ages and you will find the friendly beside manner of Dr. George, and our efforts to ensure an efficient visit, a reason to make Wilmington Dermatology Center your source for comprehensive skin care.
Trust your medical dermatology and cosmetic dermatology treatments to a board certified dermatologist who will care for your skin care needs - Dr. Rosalyn George.
We are proud to be the first to offer Ultherapy in Wilmington NC. Our experienced staff has performed more treatments than any other location in the region.
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