Johannesburg, South Africa
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Member Since 2011 | Views: 447
Q-Studios is a Television, Film and Photographic studio facility comprising 6 large studios - from 900 sq.m to 500 sq.m– all under one roof, with Unit 7 (150 sq.m) alongside.
Centrally situated on a 30 000 sq.m – plus parcel of land in a prime position in Kew, bounded by London Road, Alexandra to the North, 10th Road Kew to the South and 4th Avenue to the West, they are certainly amongst the biggest studios in Johannesburg, Gauteng Province.
Two Units are currently operating as film/television/commercial studios and a third as a stills photographic studio.
Unit1- 900 sq.m with large cyclorama(not yet soundproofed) and Sound Stage 2 - 700 sq.m (recently comprehensively soundproofed).
Des Kleineibst's Wizcorp, probably the finest still photographers in South Africa, employ their skills Unit 3.
When conversion of all 8 studios is completed, they will provide Gauteng with an additional 4,000 sq.m – plus of world class Sound Stages to relieve the current shortage.
Some of the productions filmed at Q-Studios include: 'Mrs Mandela' for BBC2 & 4, 2 months of 'District 9', 6 x 60 minute episodes of 'Strike Back' for Sky1 & SkyHD, 'Africa United' indoor sequences, 'Deal or No Deal', 'THe Kids are Alright', Nokia N95 'Great Pockets' commercial (Cannes), commercials for USA, Argentine, UK and many for South African consumption.