Kevin Otterness is a Chicago-based cinematographer and director of photography. He has been working in the film industry for over 25 years. He is principal and founder of POSTHOUSE PICTURES, an independent motion picture company that specializes in services for feature films, documentaries, commercials, music videos and production of original content.
Throughout his career he has honed his craft to give all of his productions a truly cinematic look with richness of color and quality composition. That, coupled with his collaborative work style, visionary skill, and overall professionalism allow him to deliver an exceptional product to his clients. Some of the brands he has worked with include Sony Playstation, HBO, FOX, CBS, Motorola, Nike, Jeep, Hampton by Hilton, The Second City, MTV, WebMD and Footlocker.
Director of Photography/Cinematographers Reel 2018
Added on 12/19/2018
Kevin Otterness is a Chicago-based cinematographer and director of photography. He has been working in the film industry for over 25 years. He is principal and founder of POSTHOUSE PICTURES, an independent motion picture company that specializes in services for feature films, documentaries, commercials, music videos and production of original content.
Throughout his career he has honed his craft to give all of his productions a truly cinematic look with richness of color and quality composition. That, coupled with his collaborative work style, visionary skill, and overall professionalism allow him to deliver an exceptional product to his clients. Some of the brands he has worked with include Sony Playstation, HBO, FOX, CBS, Motorola, Nike, Jeep, Hampton by Hilton, The Second City, MTV, WebMD and Footlocker.
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After investing in a RED Epic Dragon camera less than five years ago, it has always been extremely important to me to be able to keep it powered through an entire day. Core SWX allows me to do just…