Atomica Music Library
23 Royal Oaks Circle
Denton, Texas 76210
About Us
As our name implies, we are a powerful and simple music library for commercial, entertainment, broadcast and corporate production.
Atomica Music library embraces the solution of powerful music with a simple business philosophy. We deliver a music library comprised of the most fundamental tools to unleash the power of exemplary music with the simplicity of turnkey licensing.
In short, we provide the spark in your creative process. Most creative ideas start small; a core concept. With access to the right resources and tools, these concepts initiate a chain reaction of collaboration and creative input to develop into one powerful message.
We have more than 150 albums of quintessential underscores and dramatic themes that offer variety and depth. We incorporate a fast and efficient website, simple access to music with straightforward licensing. We deliver a refreshing alternative to the mammoth libraries and fly-by-night media aggregators. Our passion is powerful music. Our distinction is simplicity. Our mission is to keep you competitive.