Award-winning documentary producer/director and founder of Devolution Films, a Bozeman, Montana based production company for which he has produced films for the National Park Service, The Department of Environmental Quality, the U.S. Forest Service and others. Freelance producer/director/camera operator/editor/certified drone pilot on commercials, documentaries and other video and film projects. Jason’s first feature documentary, Mi Chacra, filmed in the mountains of southern Peru, won the Grand Prize at the 2010 Banff Mountain Film Festival, screened at festivals around the world and had it’s broadcast premiere on ARTE. His second feature, The Middle Kingdom, about life in a Shanghai premiered at the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival in 2016. His third feature, Hanna and the Buckskin, shot on a ranch in Wyoming will premiere in 2022. Jason is also the creator and curator of the Bozeman Doc Series and a graduate of the Montana State University film program.
I have been in the industry since 1995.
Mi Chacra Trailer
Added on 9/20/2012
Winner of the Grand Prize at the 2010 Banff Mountain Film Festival, Mi Chacra is a feature length documentary. The film has screened at over twenty international festivals and has been broadcast around the world.
Raised in a small farming village in the mountains of southern Peru, Feliciano works as a porter on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in hopes of some day taking his son to live in the city. Framed by the seasons, Mi Chacra chronicles one year in Feliciano’s life, from the planting season in his community to the harvest, and through a season of work on the Inca Trail. The film paints a vivid picture of this man’s world, of the conflict between his love of the land and the work he has learned from his father, and the desire to see his son living what he sees as a better life in the city.
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