My Team specializes in providing comprehensive beauty services for various industry needs, we have extensive industry experience in set work and productions. We offer customizable solutions to accommodate different budgets and requirements, ensuring quality and flexibility. With a network of over 4,000 platform artists, we cater to large-scale events, multi-day engagements, and productions requiring multi-artist teams. Our services are tailored to meet the unique demands of each project, offering flexible payment options to align with project timelines and financial planning. Whether it’s a major film production, a corporate event, or a multi-location shoot. We deliver exceptional on-site beauty services, ensuring professionalism and high standards across all projects.
Happy to provide any additional info and project examples upon request.
We have been in the industry since 2010.
Mineral Fusion Beauty Series Videos
Added on 3/14/2024
Mineral Fusion Beauty Series. Our team, handled everything from concept development to final edits. Filmed using a Canon 5D with sophisticated softbox lighting, our videos capture the essence of natural beauty. The production was led by Summer Wilson, with impeccable hair and makeup by Shadi Zainali, and expertly produced and edited by Chantelle Hartshorne. Our work highlights the luxurious appeal of Mineral Fusion products, reflecting their commitment to natural beauty and quality.
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