Compilation of my CGI work over the last two years, showcasing my abilities in modeling, lighting, animation, rendering, and compositing. All projects were done entirely by me, unless noted below.
Breakdown of projects:
a) “Mike Tetrick logo” with clouds (June 2013) – Personal project. Open VDB clouds done using Houdini, clouds rendered with Mantra PBR, logo lighting and rendering done in Maya with V-Ray, composited using Nuke.
b) Mustang Hovercraft (July 2013) – Personal project. Car body modeled with polygons in Maya, jet turbine modeled in Alias Automotive, all geometry textured and rendered in Maya. Turntable and Beauty Shot lit using IBL. Beauty shot composited/created in Photoshop.
c) Limes Dropping in Water (June 2013) – Personal project. Lime slices modeled and textured in Maya. Soft body simulation on limes, fluid/splash particles, and RealWave surfaces done in RealFlow. Meshes generated from simulations to be lit/rendered using Mental Ray.
d) BMW (June 2013) – Personal project done off Digital Tutors tutorial, the car model, HDR, and BG plate were provided. I textured, lit the car using IBL, rendered in Mental Ray, and composited the Beauty Shot in Photoshop.
e) “AT-AT” from Star Wars (August-November 2011) – Personal project. Modeled in NURBS with Alias Automotive, turntable rendered in Maya.
f) Diorama (September 2013) - Personal project. Created low-poly models in Maya, textured and rendered with V-Ray to look like paper models inside a shoebox.
g) Wall-E (May 2013) – Class project for Michigan State University. I modeled (polygons), rigged, and animated in Maya. The animation was rendered in V-Ray, and compositing was done in Nuke.
h) “Curious Glow: A Lightbulb's Story” (March-June 2013) – Class project for Michigan State University. Various clips from an animated short created entirely by myself starring a light bulb character breaking out of its' basement lamp. The character and environment was modeled, animated, textured, and rendered using Maya, Photoshop and Nuke. Nuke was also used to create realistic camera effects, comp together beauty passes, and create Depth of Field effects with zDepth passes.
i) Robot Hand (June-July 2011) – Professional project for Pixlhut. The NURBS model was done using Alias Automotive, the model was then posed and geometry optimized to bring into Keyshot for texturing and rendering.
j) “Walter Crosses the Street” (May-June 2012) – Class project for Michigan State University. Robot character modeled in Alias Automotive. Animated short was done entirely by myself, using Maya and Nuke. Both the animated short and the turntable were rendered in Mental Ray.
k) Astronaut on Lunar Environment (April 2013) – Project done off Digital Tutors tutorial, the astronaut footage was provided. The footage was tracked in PFTrack and matchmoved in Maya. I used Maya to create the lunar environment, and Mental Ray to render it, and the project was composited in After Effects.
l) “Mike Tetrick logo” dropping (July 2013) – Soft body simulations, texturing, lighting and rendering all done in Maya.
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