An interview from the 2017 Cine Gear Expo at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles with Ira Tiffen of Schneider Optics. Schneider Optics has been producing the highest quality optics on the market for over 90 years, offering solutions for large-format photography, photo enlarging, motion picture projection, optical filtration, and industrial applications. In this interview Ira Tiffen talks with us about the importance of today's upcoming cinematographers educating themselves about the use of optical filters in digital cinema.
Ira Tiffen has been working with glass for over forty years, developing specialized optics for film and television production, and still photography. His efforts have earned him a Technical Achievement Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, as well as a Prime-Time Emmy Award, from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. A creative innovator, Ira holds several patents on photographic accessory designs; he is also author of the filter section of the American Cinematographer Manual. He is an associate member of the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) and an elected Fellow of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE).
Schneider MPTV Filters for Motion Picture and Television applications are diamond cut from crystal clear, water-white optical glass ground and polished to a precise flatness and plane-parallelism.
Schneider Optics has engineered a major improvement in motion picture and broadcast television image quality with the Schneider filter line. Diamond cut from crystal-clear, water-white optical glass, Schneider filters are ground and polished to a precise flatness and planeparallelism (the exact parallel relationship between the front and back filter surfaces that is so important to optical performance). Then, to ensure perfection, this is verified by a laser interferometer. Schneider filters are also checked with a densitometer for consistent density, and tested for proper light transmission with a spectrophotometer. Because all Schneider filters are designed and manufactured with the highest possible degree of consistency, you can swap like filters mid-shoot with no discernible variation in color or effect. The unprecedented purity, color saturation and repeatability of Schneider filters virtually eliminate the need for lab color timing corrections caused by other filters. This puts more creative control where it belongs, in your hands.
For more information please visit: www.SchneiderOptics.com
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