
All animations and graphics were made by me, using primarily Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, and After Effects for Animation.

Individual videos as they appear in order of appearance

The Rising: youtu.be
Auth0 And Aurdino Case Study
AWS and Auth0
SS302 Econ L14 Markets
Washington Once Had Palm Trees, Maybe It Will Again Soon? | Mossback’s Northwest: youtu.be
Temperature Heat and Equilibrium
Northwest Oystermania | Mossback's Northwest: youtu.be
Hidden Meetings
Analyzing Complex Texts
How bug ranching can fix the food system: youtu.be
PNW Explained: inequities in student discipline: youtu.be
When Washington's Cities Burned | Mossback's Northwest: youtu.be
In Washington public schools, inequities in student discipline remain | PNW Explained: youtu.be
The Whale (Asp - Turtle)
War of the Worlds
Can these super oysters survive our screwed-up oceans?: youtu.be
Radio Waves
Gamma Rays

Character driven media, explainers, and human interest video pieces. That's what I do.

I’ve been a working media professional for a decade. Working in different job roles as a professional Videographer, Animator, and Photographer with other talented individuals in the fields of Marketing, E-learning, and News Production.


Hale - Travel Together
Licensed through Soundstripe

Portfolio: www.lindsaymc.com

More videos from Lindsay McLean — See All

Video Reel
Video Reel
Demo Reel / Show Reel