
"I conceptualized this commercial with Dice of Rolling's owner, Jon Hill, in January of 2023 and then directed it a month later at the end of February. After post production was finished, the commercial was run on youtube as a preroll ad and it had a 60% watch-thru rate (double the average) and had a significant impact on their sales of the tokens." -Graeme Wilson


Producer: Jon Hill
Director: Graeme Wilson
PA: Simeon Landis

Kensington Hill
Daniel White
JD Morrow
Riley Johnson

Editor: Graeme Wilson

Technical Info

Camera: Sony FX9
Lenses: Sigma FF High-Speed Cines (28mm/65mm)
Lighting: ikan 1x1 Bi-Color LED Panels
Location: Moscow, ID

Runtime: 31 Secs
Color: Color
Aspect Ratio: 17:9
Resolution: 4096 x 2160