4 profiles found matching keyword search for: Green Screen in Mississippi
Mississippi Film Studios
Canton, Mississippi
Mississippi Film Studios at Canton (MFS) is Mississippi's first purpose-built production facility. Sitting on 31 secure acres with a massive 36,000-square-foot stage – 40' clear to the ceiling – there really isn't anything MFS can't accommodate. Affordable pricing with all the comforts, convenience…
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Eyevox is Mississippi's largest full-service film and video production company. Film, video, non-linear editing, animation, grip/electric and a soundstage are all part of what makes Eyevox a complete resource for start-to-finish production or anything between. 4000 sq.foot Soundstage 5-ton…
Booker Johnson
Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Media/film producer, photographer and creative artist emphasising in the entertainment business.
Steven Worster
Jackson, Mississippi
I am a freelance videographer based out of Nashville, TN. I create music videos, and advertisements. Please feel free to check out my website thestevenalan.com where I keep most all of my work. Thank you!
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