About Me

I have been an actor for over 30 years and a RN for 24 years. I have begun a business as a Medical Advisor-Consultant for the entertainment industry. The website is www.nursescalltheshots.com. Nurses "call the shots" every day in their profession by providing expert care with compassion and skill. But, an nurse-actor is able to call the "camera" shots for film, TV, and theatre. There are nurses who consult for films, television, and/or theatre but most of them do not have any background in acting nor have they been on a set. I feel an actor/nurse is essential for the accurate portrayal of nursing in the entertainment industry. In particular, I have many ideas for a sitcom about nurses, student nurses, and nursing instructors. I am excited to provide any services that you desire in this field. I look forward to providing expert advice to anyone in the business.

I have been in the industry since 1981.

Work with Linda Wheeler

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