2 blog posts found matching keyword search for: EVS Operator in Nyack
Sun Screens Productions switches to EVS’ Dyvi for the latest season of American Idol
With the popularity of live competition TV shows continuing to increase and attract bigger audiences, the production levels required to make them have never been higher. Consequently, it’s now common practice to employ a second technical director or “screens TD” along with the lighting department’s graphics server operator to create the look and feel of the extravagant LED video tile-intensive sets. For most live productions today, a “screens team” along with the LED tech is usually needed to manage the LED tiles, as many of the stages have millions of LED pixels and countless lighting rig configurations.
Published on Friday, September 20, 2019 10:00 AM
How broadcast technology has helped turn esports into a mainstream offering
Until recently, esports was viewed as the most niche of sports, an up-and-coming series of live events that was followed by a young and very specific audience. However, the reality is that esports organizers have long been delivering live programming to tens of millions of people per event.
Published on Wednesday, January 2, 2019 10:00 AM
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