6 profiles found matching keyword search for: aerial shots in Los Angeles
We are a team of professionals with a diverse skill set in video photography, aerospace engineering , fabrication, marketing, sales and of course flying . We offer unique capabilities that supersedes manned helicopters in cost, manpower and versatility. We fly everything from FPV, DJI and have an…
Los Angeles, California
With offices in Los Angeles and Atlanta CineDrones is the leader in FAA, MPAA and IATSE 600 Approved aerial cinematography, providing world class aerial services to film, television studios and production houses. CineDrones handles all of the permitting and insurances for our drones in order to…
Los Angeles, California
Creative, FAA Certified, Night Ops Approved, Heavily Insured Drone Team in Los Angeles. We have worked on a wide array of projects, TV shows, Feature films, Live events, Car commercials, Product campaigns, etc.
Cinecopter Productions
Los Angeles, California
Cinecopter Productions, LLC- one of the leading aerial companies in Los Angeles. Cinecopter films some of the biggest TV shows, commercials, music videos, events, and feature films in the industry. We utilize both drones and full-size helicopter and gimbal systems to capture stunning aerial shots…
Los Angeles, California
Footage Bank specializes in large format stock footage. Specializing in released locations, released professional sports, released playback content as well as providing footage in all categories including aerials, establishing shots, worldwide locations, time-lapse, underwater, sports, space,…
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