7 profiles found matching keyword search for: UHD in San Marcos
Jeff Arballo
San Marcos, California
I have worked in TV, cinema, documentary, sports action webcast for over 20 years. I have done everything from camera, producing, editing, audio and directing. My goal is to bring top notch quality work in every production I'm a part of. I have specialized in camera work, directing and editing but…
Keith Kipp
San Marcos, California
My name Keith Kipp and I reside in beautiful San Diego County. For the past seven years I have directed, produced, filmed and edited over 50 television shows and multiple DVD projects, one of which won Best Biography at the X-Dance Film Festival in 2010. I am a good fit within any production team.…
Bubba Durket
Encinitas, California
I am a 26 year old Cinematographer based out of San Diego, California. I started out filming and editing surf videos of my college roommates. After graduating, I worked the next 4 years in Advertising, quickly working my way through the ranks from Editor to DP. Over the course of my career, I have…
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