6 profiles found matching keyword search for: wig in Gainesville
Stefanie Humphrey Make-Up Artistry
Gainesville, Florida
Being a make-up artist for over 10 years, I started young in the industry. Several make-up counters and thousands of weddings, freelance jobs, events, films, runway shows, boudiour and photo shoots later; make-up continues to inspire me, combining my love of people and creativity in one!! Not…
Nenie Walker
Gainesville, Florida
30 year veteran Makeup Artist. Available for Practical Special Effects Make-up, Straight/Beauty Make-up, Grooming and Lite Hairstyling. Experienced with HD Makeup for Broadcast TV. I have worked on Stage, Film and Video Productions. My Rates are reasonable. Licenced Cosmetologist in the State…
Moira Hassler
Gainesville, Florida
Moira Hassler is a freelance make-up artist working in North Central Florida and South Georgia. She has experience in film, television, stage, theatre, special effects, bridal, photography, runway and fashion.
Alexandra Faith
Buford, Georgia
From childhood everyone knew I would not be ordinary. And boy were they right. When I was thirteen, I came to a realization. I knew I wanted to be a professional makeup artist. For some reason I finished highschool, but I was just as lost as every other eighteen year old, until one day I decided to…
Euni Lee
Los Angeles, California
I am a professional makeup artist based in Los Angeles, CA with experience in High Definition Television, commercial, print and fashion shoots.
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